English Version

Elisabeth (Liz) Mariani born 1972 in Hamburg. Father, Chinese (Buddhist) Mother, German (Roman Catholic)

She is the 11th child of her father. And although she looks the least Asian, she is the one who lives the Asian wisdom the most and knows it the best.

Because her paternal grandmother (Méi 梅 許 Hsü, deceased before Elisabeth was born) taught her all the wisdoms and is still an important part of your team from the spiritual world.

Elisabeth Mariani is a trained travel agent studied business administration with a focus on: human resources management.

To this day, Ms. Mariani is constantly educating herself in various areas and directions, as only in this way can holistic help / advice be provided to live a full life.

Some examples:

Basic medical studies

Alternative medicine of any kind

Dipl. nutrition therapist

Reiki Master/ Teacher

Mental-Training Business/ Private

Dog-Human Coach and much more ;-))

Elisabeth Mariani has had mediumistic and sensitive abilities as well as healing powers since early childhood.

At the age of 21 she made her first Reiki degree in the USUI system.

The second followed two years later

Today Elisabeth Mariani is a Reiki Master/Teacher.

During many years she has refined her innate abilities through intensive courses with well known mediums such as Mavis Pittilla ( Mentorship Programs), Paul Jacobs, Sharon Harvey, Minister Bill Thomson, Minister Simon James, Minister Brian Robertson, Minister Brenda Lawrence, Minister Janet Parker, Gordon Smith, Minister Steven Upton , as well as at Arthur Findlay College with many other fine mediums.

In June 2015, she was one of the 1st mediums certified by the Medialen Akademie Schweiz (MAS).

Examination acceptance by Minister Bill Thomson and Elvira Truttmann.

Since she had to realize that many people and animals are physically ill and this also has to be treated physically, she set out again on the path of learning

It was not enough for her to simply repeat the words of the spiritual world without understanding why!

For many years now she has been educating herself medically.

Above all, of course, she is engaged in alternative medicine.

In deep humility and gratitude Elisabeth Mariani now uses this knowledge specifically to help other people and animals.

She also offers her services in the form of voluntary work in old people's homes and hospices.

Home visits can also be requested for all sessions, which are then charged accordingly (arrival and departure ect).

What do I offer:

Health consulting

After many advanced trainings in the fields of orthomolecular medicine, medicine in general (human and animal) and many alternative healing methods as well as in deep connection with the plants, their healing effects, the knowledge about the effect of the plants in the body, the understanding of the interaction of the organs, muscles, bones, teeth and their effects in disharmonies, I now also offer a health coaching. Here I will pass on my knowledge to you and individually see how we can bring your body, your mind and your soul back into harmony as quickly as possible.

I also offer the same for your pet!

Nutritional counseling

Paleo, Vegan, Low Carb - healthy nutrition is now a common theme in society in the form of a wide variety of nutritional concepts. And all of them claim to be the healthiest way to eat. But is there even a generally valid formula for a healthy diet?

Healthy nutrition: definition

First of all, there is no such thing as THE healthy diet. What actually works and does good in terms of nutrition always depends on the individual person. Simply because of food allergies (e.g. to tannins), intolerances (gluten, lactose, fructose) or ethical convictions (abstaining from animal products), some nutritional concepts fall through their food composition for certain people from the outset. Also energy and nutrients of one and the same products are differently taken up and processed in the body.

However, what does exist and can be considered a general basis for the daily food selection for a good diet are the nutritional guidelines of the Swiss Society for Nutrition (SGE). These are orientation values for a wholesome diet based on current scientific findings.

The most important thing for a healthy diet is that it is variable.

This is the only way to ensure that the body is supplied with all the macro- and micronutrients it needs to stay healthy and productive. If the diet is permanently too fat- or sugar-heavy, heart attacks, diabetes, obesity and other diseases of civilization are imminent.

What does holistic nutritional counseling offer?

A healthy diet in the form of a fixed plan for everyone does not exist. What tastes good to one person does not appeal to another.

Every person and their eating habits are unique. That is why your individuality is the focus of my consultation.

Together we will find the best way for a balanced diet, more vitality and satisfaction in your life.

Nutritional counseling for more performance and well-being

You want more power in your everyday life. Whether job or leisure time - you want to master all challenges mentally and physically with ease and feel good in your skin. Up to now, nutrition has not played a major role in your life. You like to eat and readily give in to your ravenous appetite or craving for sweets and snacks. For you, eating means first and foremost food intake and, in the ideal case, culinary enjoyment?

Without diet and yo-yo effect in small steps safely to the goal

You have already tried out many things to get closer to your desired figure. From half portions of food to various diets to the yo-yo effect, you know all the ups and downs that trying to lose weight can bring. You've probably acquired quite a bit of knowledge on the subject of nutrition. Nevertheless, you are unsure and at a loss because you have not been able to reach your personal goal so far?

Healthy nutrition as an accompanying way out of illness and pain

Health is quality of life. Those who struggle with illness and pain know this best. In addition to medical treatment methods, nutritional counseling is an important aid in promoting your health and restoring your zest for life. It is not for nothing that a quote from the German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach is used again and again. "You are what you eat" has become a common saying.

I look forward to accompanying you on your individual path.

Private Readings

In a private reading, I invite your loved ones in the spirit world to join me. Where you both have the opportunity to share a special time together, bringing evidence of their survival after passing to the spirit world.

During their communication to you they firstly want to clearly identify themselves to you, giving information about e.g. their personality, unique attributes, aspects or experiences, individual information or shared memories. Then it is often also very important for them to give you a message, e.g. their advice to a current situation, encouragement for things coming-up, expression of love, pride or saying that they are sorry.

What can I expect from a private reading?

It may be an emotional experience, where you may feel the presence of your loved ones through the evidence and message given in the sitting. Although your loved ones are usually eager to communicate to you, it cannot be guaranteed who will link with me during the sitting, it is their free will to come to communicate during this sitting.

Fortune telling is not the purpose of a private reading.

What will I have to do?

Come with an open mind which allows your friends and family in the spirit world the opportunity to communicate with you. I will explain the process of the reading prior to starting.


An assessment is where I look at your potential to develop your psychic/mediumistic abilities. Where guidance would be given in the best way forward for you in this area. I also look at your life, and present situation and see where you can move forward from your present situation. This type of reading is all about yourself and there is no contact from your loved ones in the Spirit World.

The details:

A private reading or an assessement usually lasts about 60 minutes and are by appointment only.

You can choose between 2 ways of the reading:

1. Telephone sitting

2. Skype sitting

If you live in Switzerland you also can come for a private reading at my practice

at Gommiswald in Switzerland.


Healing is where I connect with the Spirit World, and use this connection to bring the healing energy from the Spirit World. The healing energy is for every type of illness and condition, physical, mental and emotional. I do not heal, I am simply the instrument that the Spirit World use for the healing process. There is no guarantee that your condition can be cured, but there is always a positive effect after your healing session.

What can I expect from a healing?

You may feel the healing energy as the practice is taking place. And this is an individual experience, as everyone observes the healing process differently, from feeling very warm, or cold, to being aware of movements within the area where the condition is.

What will I have to do?

Come with an open mind, and relax. And enjoy the experience.

The details:

A healing session usually lasts about 45 minutes and are by appointment only.

You can choose between 2 ways of healing:

1. In my office

2. Distance Healing

You can pay via Paypal ( plus 3%),Twint, Bank transfer or direct in my practice

All Sessions has to be paid in advance

60 minutes cost CHF 200,-